Chris Withers wrote:
Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:
You did not redirect stdin, so it is expected you can still read input from the console.

Okay, so if I definitely wanted no input, what should I pass as the stdin parameter to the POpen constructor?
You do want an input don't you ? 'cause there is a password to enter.

from subprocess doc page:
"Note that if you want to send data to the process’s stdin, you need to create the Popen object with stdin=PIPE."

And it looks like svn is writting the credentials prompt on stderr.

...which, as you can see from the code I posted, is piped to STDOUT, which is then PIPE'd through to the calling python so that communicate()'s return value will contain the output.

As I explained, I can't reproduce this by replacing svn with a simple python script that writes to stderr. So, what is svn doing?
You're right, then that means than svn is writing credentials neither on stdout nor stderr.

You may want to look at though.

Yeah, we were using that, but found it excruciatingly painful due to its dependency on a subversion source install due to its c extension.
I can't argue with that.



If you want to scriptly interract with svn or anything else, you may look at the pexpect module.


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