On Aug 5, 9:50 pm, "W. eWatson" <wolftra...@invalid.com> wrote:
> In my on-again-off-again experience with Python for 18 months,
> portability seems an issue.
> As an example, my inexperienced Python partner 30 miles away has gotten
> out of step somehow. I think by installing a different version of numpy
> than I use. I gave him a program we both use months ago, and he had no
> trouble. (We both use IDLE on 2.5). I made a one character change to it
> and sent him the new py file. He can't execute it. I doubt he has
> changed anything in the intervening period.

I'm curious:  what was the one character change?   And does your
program still work for him?  Why did he install a different version
numpy if things were working for him?

By the way, posting "x doesn't work" on a forum never gets you
any help, because clairvoyance is not real  :D.  Posting actual error
messages sample code does.

> A further example. Months ago I decided to see if I could compile a
> program to avoid such problems as above. I planned to satisfy that need,
> and see if I could distribute some simple programs to non-Python
> friends. I pretty well understand the idea,and got it working with a
> small program. It seemed like a lot of manual labor to do it.

As someone mentioned, you don't "compile" anything in Python.  You
can make a .exe file, though, using, as you know, py2exe.  I find
GUI2Exe (which requires you have wxPython) to make things much easier
and then if you want to be even fancier, use InnoSetup to make an
Once you get a working script in py2exe/GUI2Exe, it is usually a snap
make a new version of your .exe after changing your code a bit.

As far as then updating your .exe files with your non-Python friends,
should search this newsgroup for Esky, which seems like a very nice
for doing this very thing.



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