On Aug 8, 9:13 pm, Thomas Jollans <tho...@jollans.com> wrote:
> On 08/08/2010 02:35 PM, blur959 wrote:
> > Sorry, This is my first time using the os commands in python, Ok,
> > firstly, I entered "C:\" inside raw_input and stored it inside
> > fileroot. When i print repr(fileroot), my result was '"C:\\"' . And
> > when I run os.listdir with fileroot, I got that error. I typed my
> > os.listdir code like this: os.listdir(fileroot)
> > I attached my code for reference, thanks again!
> Okay, maybe you've already understood the problem now, but in case you
> haven't:
> '"C:\\"' is no valid file name. The quotes ("") are part of what you're
> passing to the OS here, which you don't want. Just enter the file name
> without quotes. (or, if you really want quoting for some reason, you
> could manually strip the quotes, or use the shlex module.
> > import os, glob
> > def fileDirectory():
> >     # Ask user for file directory input
> >     fileroot = raw_input("Input")
> >     print repr(fileroot)
> >     #Returns a list with all the files inside the file root
> > directory( The error occurs here )
> >     os.listdir(fileroot)
> > fileDirectory()

okay i got it already thanks alot man! Appreciate it!

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