Dave Angel wrote:
blur959 wrote:
On Aug 9, 6:01 pm, Chris Rebert <c...@rebertia.com> wrote:
os.rename() takes paths that are absolute (or possibly relative to the
cwd), not paths that are relative to some arbitrary directory (as
returned by os.listdir()).
Also, never name a variable "file"; it shadows the name of the built-in type.

Hence (untested):
from os import listdir, rename
from os.path import isdir, join
directory =aw_input("input file directory")
s =aw_input("search for name")
r =aw_input("replace name")

for filename in listdir(directory):
    path = join(directory, filename) #paste the directory name on
    if isdir(path): continue #skip subdirectories (they're not files)
    newname = filename.replace(s, r)
    newpath = join(directory, newname)
    n = rename(path, newpath)
    print n


Thanks, they worked!

A refinement: use os.path.join(), rather than just join(). It's smarter about adding the right kind of slash between the nodes, if needed. Currently, if you leave off the trailing slash (from "directory"), you'll end up with the files being one level up, and the individual files having a string prepended.

Have a look at the imports, Dave. :-)

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