blur959 wrote:
Hi, all, I wonder if my post is relevant here, but i will still post
it anyway. I am working on creating a custom UI inside Maya and I
encountered some problems. Firstly, I am trying to create a textfield
button that creates a locator-shaped curve based on the coordinates
the user keyed into the text field. However I got no idea how to go
about doing it properly. I hope you guys could give me some help.
Thanks. I attached my code below. My code isn't working though. I have
this error, which says button2 is not defined. I got no clue on how
else to debug.

import maya.cmds as cmds

def createMyLayout():
    button2 = cmds.textFieldButtonGrp(label="LocatorCurve",
                                        text="Please key in your


When you assign to a name in a function the target is by default local
to that function, so 'button2' is local to 'createMyLayout'. Add the

    global button2

to the function to make it visible to the rest of the module/file.

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