On 08/09/2010 05:02 PM, Paul Rubin wrote:
Gary Herron<gher...@islandtraining.com>  writes:
This is a Python newsgroup, not an image processing news group.
If you are asking for an algorithm to modify an image....
I saw it as a question of how to do something using PIL.  Seems ok to me.

A quote from the OP:
  "however I dont know how to apply the new histogram to the image"

PIL has no such operation. I have no knowledge of any such operation. And frankly, I'm having a hard time imagining what "apply a histogram to the image" even means. (For instance if the original histogram says there are 30 pixels with some value, and the new histogram says there should be 20 pixels with that value -- which 10 do I replace, and with what do I replace them?)

We can help him use PIL to read, manipulate, and write an image. But the actual manipulation he is requesting is so far unspecified. So I'll repeat: If he is looking for an algorithm -- I haven't got one. If he has an algorithm -- tell us about it, and we'll discuss implementing it in Python.

Gary Herron


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