Ivan Van Laningham wrote:
> Hi All--
> Peter Hansen wrote:
>>Ivan Van Laningham wrote:
>>>Robert Kern wrote:
>>>>dict.org says _forums_. I used _fora_, but I'm silly.
>>>It also says "appendixes" and "indexes" are OK.  Yahoos.
>>Should that be "Yaha"?
> <g>  Nope.  I appreciate the sentiment, but "Yahoo" is neither Latin nor
> Greek.  Instead, it was invented by Jonathan Swift for _Gulliver's
> Travels_, published in 1726; since it is a made-up English word, it
> follows the rules of English.
Yeeha, possibly?

Steve Holden        +1 703 861 4237  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC             http://www.holdenweb.com/
Python Web Programming  http://pydish.holdenweb.com/


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