On Aug 12, 12:30 pm, Alexander Gattin <xr...@yandex.ru> wrote:
> Does Windows have anything like

No, isn't that only if I have an actual Oracle client installed (not
the instant client)?

But great tip, wasn't exactly the solution, but your question
triggered me to check the Windows environment variables*. I included
env. variable name PATH and the value ;C:\Python31;C:\MinGW\bin;C:\TEMP
Only thing I set manually in the command prompt was: SET ORACLE_HOME=C:
\TEMP\ORAIC10 , before the build.

*=I checked the setup.py script which says:
userOracleHome = os.environ.get("ORACLE_HOME")
Checking in Visual Basic::environ("path") only included info from the
Windows env. variables, and not the ones I set via the command prompt
with PATH=%PATH%;... so I reckon if it applies to VB it also does for

I can now import without errors!

Thanks Alexander for putting me in the right direction.


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