Jason Drew wrote:
> z = lambda cp: (int(cp[min([i for \
>     i in xrange(0, len(cp)) if \
>     cp[i].isdigit()]):])-1,
>     sum(((ord(cp[0:min([i for i in \
>     xrange(0, len(cp)) if \
>     cp[i].isdigit()])][x])-ord('A')+1) \
>     * (26 ** (len(cp[0:min([i for i in \
>     xrange(0, len(cp)) if \
>     cp[i].isdigit()])])-x-1)) for x in \
>     xrange(0, len(cp[0:min([i for i in \
>     xrange(0, len(cp)) if \
>     cp[i].isdigit()])]))))-1)

While I think we can all agree that this is a sin against man and nature 
;) I'll ignore that for the moment to note that you don't need any of 
the '\' characters.  You're already using parentheses and brackets.  I 
find there are *very* few cases where I really need a line-continuation 


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