On Aug 15, 12:52 pm, John Nagle <na...@animats.com> wrote:
> On 8/14/2010 4:05 PM, bvdp wrote:
> > Assuming I have a module 'foo.py' with something like this:
> > def error(s):
> >      print "Error", s
> >      sys.exit(1)
> > def func(s):
> >      ... do some processing
> >      ... call error() if bad .. go to system exit.
> >      ...  more processing
>     Fix "func".  That's terrible Python.   No standard Python library
> module calls system exit to handle an error.  So that must be in
> your code.   Standard procedure for errors is to raise an
> exception.

Not to belabor the point .. but "func" is not a standard lib module.
It's part of a much larger application ... and in that application it
makes perfect sense to terminate the application if it encounters an
error. I fail to see the problem with this. Why would an APPLICATION
raise a error or not exit to the system?

Does it help to note that error() as defined in the application prints
out a helpful message, etc?

The whole problem I was having is that I was trying to tie a small
application (an helper to the main application) to use a bit of the
existing code as a pseudo-library. Certainly, if the code I was
interfacing with was a standar Python module ... well, then this
thread would not exist in the first place.

However, I have gotten hit with more than one comment like yours. So,
could you please clarify? Is it bad form to exit an application with
sys.exit(1) when an error in a file the application is processing is

Honestly, I'm not trying to be argumentative ... just trying to


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