On Aug 16, 8:40 pm, Vikas Mahajan <vikas.mahaja...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello to all
> I am new to python. I am facing problem to use variables as object
> attributes. I have to use loop and dynamically add attributes to a
> object and for this purpose I have to use variables with object names.
> For example-:
> Let us say object car has an attribute engine, then
> varname = "engine"
> car.varname = "dummy value"
> is giving me Error: object car does not have attribute varname.
> Please tell me how can I use variables as objects attributes.
> Thanks.

I'm not a python expert, so this may not be accurate
For me it is easier to define a class that represent the object, and
then set attribute for the object.

for example :
# define a class with no attribute
class Car():

# instance the class
mycar = Car()
# dynamically set attribute to the instance
newattr = "engine"
setattr(mycar, newattr, "dummy value")
# or dynamically set attribute to the Class so every instance will
inherit it
classattr = "color"
setattr(mycar, classattr, "yellow")

But as I mention, I'm not an expert so maybe it's not a pythonic way
to add attribute to an object.


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