Thanks much,

Nope, no homework. This was a serious question from a serious but perhaps simple physicist who grew up with Algol, FORTRAN and Pascal, taught himself VB(A) and is looking for a replacement of VB and finding that in Python. You can guess my age now.

Most of my work I do in R nowadays but R is not flexible enough for some file manipulation operations. I use the book by Lutz ("Learning Python"). The join method for strings is in there. I did not have the book at hand and I was jetlagged too. I do apologize for asking a simple question.

I had no idea that some would go to the extent of giving trick solutions for simple, supposedly homework questions. Bear in mind Python is a very feature rich language. You cannot expect all newbies to remember everything.

By the way, I had a working program that did what I wanted using still simpler string concatenation. Replaced that now by tab.join([lines[i][k][2] for i in range(5)]), k being a loop counter. Judge for yourself. That is the level I am at after 6 weeks of doing excercises from my programming book on Pascal in Python. Thanks for the help. I do hope there is no entry level for using this group. If there is, I won't meet it for a while.
Alex van der Spek

"D'Arcy J.M. Cain" <> wrote in message
On 15 Aug 2010 23:33:10 GMT
Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:
Under what possible circumstances would you prefer this code to the built-
in str.join method?

I assumed that it was a trap for someone asking for us to do his
homework.  I also thought that it was a waste of time because I knew
that twenty people would jump in with the correct answer because of
"finally, one that I can answer" syndrome.

D'Arcy J.M. Cain <>         |  Democracy is three wolves                |  and a sheep voting on
+1 416 425 1212 (DoD#0082) (eNTP) | what's for dinner.


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