Dear all,

I'm trying to use Python's readline module but I'm having some trouble.
In particular,  autocompletion seems to "get stuck" on white spaces.
Please take a look at this code snippet:

import readline

def completer(text, state):

    text = text

    list = ['a dog', 'artsy']

    if len(text) == 0: expressions = list

    else: expressions = [expression for expression in list if

        return expressions[state]
    except IndexError:
        return None


# main code:

readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")

string = raw_input("type something: ")
print "typed: " + string

If I type "a" at the prompt and then press tab, both options are
displayed. However, if I then type "[space]d" and then once again ask
for auto-completion (I would expect getting "a dog" filled in for me)
nothing happens.

What am I doing wrong? Can I expect auto-completion to correctly handle
this case?

Thanks in advance for any help,



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