On Fri, 20 May 2005 08:27:28 +1000, richard

>John Machin wrote:
>> On Mon, 16 May 2005 22:11:49 +1000, richard
>>>John Machin wrote:
>>>> setup.py sdist --format=zip
>>>Try without the --format arg. The code is being too paranoid.
>> Result: (A) produces a zip file with only minor differences
>> (presumably a timestamp):
>Oh, so even without --format, a ZIP source dist file is produced anyway?

On a win32 platform, yes, as documented.

> If
>this is the case, please file a bug against PyPI.

I presume you mean a bug *report*. Done.

>>> The code is being too paranoid
>> Which code (distutils or PyPI server) is being paranoid about what???
>The PyPI server code, which attempts to make sure people aren't uploading

So zip implies pr0n but exe doesn't ???


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