In MATLAB this command is drawnow, just in case

On Aug 17, 9:49 pm, Jah_Alarm <> wrote:
> thanks. The thing is, the objects actually get updated without this
> command, but when I run the GUI outside of python shell (i.e. in
> command prompt as python or compile it to .exe file) the
> objects do not get updated. I tried
> Label(mainframe,textvariable=var).grid(column=1,row=1).update_idletasks()
> and mainframe.update_idletasks() but it still doesn't work.
> On Aug 17, 7:19 pm, Eric Brunel <>
> wrote:
> > In article
> > <>,
> >  Jah_Alarm <> wrote:
> > > hi, I've already asked this question but so far the progress has been
> > > small.
> > > I'm running Tkinter. I have some elements on the screen (Labels, most
> > > importantly) which content has to be updated every iteration of the
> > > algorithm run, e.g. "Iteration =" [i] for i in range(n), n=100. I'm
> > > using the update_idletasks() command in the function itself after the
> > > variable.set(...) command. The variable type is IntVar(), and the
> > > mistake I'm getting is 'IntVar instance has no attribute
> > > 'update_idletasks'. No updates are displayed, of course.
> > You have to call update_idletasks on a Tkinter *widget*, not a variable.
> > You can call it on your window (Tk or Toplevel instance) or on your
> > label for example. This way, it should work.
> > > Without the GUI the algorithm (it's a genetic algorithm) is working
> > > fine, but I need to make it available to other people via GUI
> > > cheers,
> > > Alex


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