On Tue, 17 Aug 2010 16:28:02 +0200
Stefan Schwarzer <sschwar...@sschwarzer.net> wrote:
> I'd probably reformat this to
>           self.expiration_date = translate_date(
>             find(response, 'MPNExpirationDate').text,
>             '%Y-%m-%d', '%m%d%Y')
> or even
>           self.expiration_date = translate_date(
>             find(response, 'MPNExpirationDate').text,
>             '%Y-%m-%d',
>             '%m%d%Y')

You can extend this if there are complicated sub-calls.  Probably
overkill for this example but here is the idea.

           self.expiration_date = translate_date(

I also moved the closing brace down to align with the line that opened
that block.

D'Arcy J.M. Cain <da...@druid.net>         |  Democracy is three wolves
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