On 20/08/2010 15:49, vsoler wrote:
On Aug 20, 4:26 pm, vsoler<vicente.so...@gmail.com>  wrote:
On Aug 20, 9:36 am, Tim Golden<m...@timgolden.me.uk>  wrote:

I currently do not have subversion access in my PC. I could try to
install a free copy of it. But it you could ptovide an installer, it
certainly would do things easier. Please let me know if it is

Vicente, can you just confirm that you received the installer I
sent offlist? I'll try to put winsys on PyPI with installers;
just haven't got round to it yes :)



I just downloaded it, and am going to install it right away.


It works!!! or at least, should I say, it runs!!! wonderful.

Now, would it be possible to have a hint/suggestion as to some lines
that I should include in my script?

Depends what, exactly, you want your script to do :)

The simplest way to get an ad-hoc look at what permissions are applied to
a file is:

import os, sys
from winsys import fs

# Just using sys.executable as a file I know will exist;
# obviously you put your own file name in there...
fs.file (sys.executable).security ().dump ()


To get that in the more compact but more esoteric MS SDDL format:

import os, sys
from winsys import fs

print (fs.file (sys.executable).security ())


To decode the permission bit-strings to vaguely meaningful

import os, sys
from winsys import fs

dacl = fs.file (sys.executable).security ().dacl
for permission in dacl:
  print (d.trustee, " (Inherited )" if d.inherited else "")
  for name in fs.FILE_ACCESS.names_from_value (d.access):
    print ("  ", name)



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