On 8/23/2010 10:35 AM, Jon Clements wrote:
> On 20 Aug, 01:51, Tim Daneliuk <tun...@tundraware.com> wrote:
>> On 8/19/2010 7:23 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
>>> On Thu, 19 Aug 2010 18:27:11 -0500, Tim Daneliuk wrote:
>>>> Problem:
>>>>   Given tuples in the form (key, string), use 'key' to determine what
>>>>   string method to apply to the string:
>>>>>> table = {'l': str.lower, 'u': str.upper}
>>>>>> table['u']('hello world')
>> Aha!  That's just what I was looking for.
>>> [...]
>>>> As I said, I know I could do this as a set of cascading ifs or even as
>>>> an eval, but I'm loathe to use such approaches. I like jump tables as a
>>>> structural construct because they are easy to understand and maintain. I
>>>> also realize that what I'm asking may be violating some deeply held
>>>> notion of OO purity, but, well, now I'm just curious if there is a way
>>>> to do this
>>> This is Python, not some "pure" OO language. We have functional
>>> programming constructs, procedural constructs, and probably other
>>> programming models as well. Screw the deeply held notion of OO purity :)
>> Yeah, I've never been much impressed with the OO purists.  One of
>> the best speeches on the subject I ever saw was by David Korn (of
>> ksh fame) who did a presentation at USENIX one year called "Objecting
>> To Objects".  He documented an attempt to write a compiler using
>> purely OO constructs and the many rings of hell that ensued.  
>>> But seriously, Python's object model includes bound and unbound methods
>>> precisely so you can do this sort of thing, and the above table-based
>>> approach is very common and recommended as an alternative to case/switch
>>> statements. It's a very common Pythonic idiom, so never fear that people
>>> will stone you for using it.
>> +1
>>> The only thing that is a bit unusual is that you call it a jump table. In
>>> my experience, "Jump Table" is used for low-level languages where the
>>> table values are memory addresses.
>> Yeah ... those old assembler memories never quite fade do they.
>> I dunno what you might call this.  A Function Dispatch Table
>> perhaps?
>> Thanks to both you and Chris for setting me straight :)
>> --
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Tim Daneliuk
>> tun...@tundraware.com
> Another more generic option would be to use methodcaller from the
> operator module.
> Just my 2p,
> Jon.

Could you say a bit more about just why you prefer this approach?
Clearly, it *is* more generic, but in looking it over, it seems that
methodcaller is less readable and intuitive ... at least to my eyes ...

Tim Daneliuk

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