On Aug 24, 11:05 pm, Alex Willmer <a...@moreati.org.uk> wrote:
> On Aug 24, 5:33 pm, richie05 bal <richie8...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > i am starting to learn python and I am stuck with query I want to
> > generate with python
> > File looks something like this
> > TRACE: AddNewBookD {bookId 20, noofBooks 6576, authorId 41,
> > publishingCompanyId 7}
> > TRACE: AddNewBookD {bookId 21, noofBooks 6577, authorId 42,
> > publishingCompanyId 8}
> > I want to first search for AddNewBookD
> > if found
> >    store bookId, noofBooks, authorId and publishingCompanyId
> > I know how to search for only AddNewBookD or find the pattern bookId
> > 20, noofBooks 6576, authorId 41, publishingCompanyId 7 but I don't
> > know how search one based on another.
> Using a regular expression I would perform a match against each line.
> If the match fails, it will return None. If the match succeeds it
> returns a match object with which you can extract the values
> >>> import re
> >>> pattern = re.compile(r'TRACE: AddNewBookD \{bookId (\d+), noofBooks 
> >>> (\d+), authorId (\d+), publishingCompanyId (\d+)\}\s*')
> >>> s = '''TRACE: AddNewBookD {bookId 20, noofBooks 6576, authorId 41, 
> >>> publishingCompanyId 7} '''
> >>> pattern.match(s)
> <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0xa362f40> # If the match failed this would
> be None>>> m = pattern.match(s)
> >>> m.groups()
> ('20', '6576', '41', '7')
> So your code to store the result would be inside an if m: block
> HTH, Alex

thanks Alex. exactly what i was looking for.

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