One possible reason I can think of -
"- exiting this loop means all compared chars were identical hence it
is a palindrome and i return True"

is probably incorrect reasoning. Think again.

Also, you may consider posting your code in a way that preserves the
whitespace characters.


On 27 August 2010 18:53, Baba <> wrote:

> level: beginner
> the following code looks ok to me but it doesn't work. I would like
> some hints as to where my reasoning / thought goes wrong
> def i_palindrome(pal):
>  while len(pal)>1:
>  if pal[0] == pal[-1]:
>   pal=pal[1:-1]
>  return True
> print i_palindrome('annab')
> my reasoning:
> - i check the length of the string: if > 1 continue
> - i check first and last char: if they are equal continue
> - create a new, shorter string starting at index 1 and ending at
> second last index (up to but not including index-1
> -restart the while loop as long as length of string is > 1
> - exiting this loop means all compared chars were identical hence it
> is a palindrome and i return True
> tnx
> Baba
> --

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