On 30/08/2010 04:33, Nik the Greek wrote:
On 30 Αύγ, 06:12, MRAB<pyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com> wrote:
This part:
( not mycookie or mycookie.value != 'nikos' )
is false but this part:
re.search( r'(msn|yandex|13448|spider|crawl)', host ) is None
is true because host doesn't contain any of those substrings.
So, the if code does executed because one of the condition is true?
How should i write it?
I cannot think clearly on this at all.
I just wan to tell it to get executed ONLY IF
the cookie values is not 'nikos'
or ( don't knwo if i have to use and or 'or' here)
host does not contain any of the substrings.
What am i doign wrong?!
It might be clearer if you reverse the condition and say:
me_visiting = ...
if not me_visiting: