On 01/09/2010 00:24, aurfal...@gmail.com wrote:

Few questions as I've been at this for dayz.

Can I do multiple attachments in order via msg.attach as so;

part1 = MIMEText(html, 'html')
part2 = MIMEText(text, 'plain')
part3 = MIMEText(html, 'html')

I desire to attach part1, part2 and part3 in that order.

This might help:


Also, is it somehow possible to pas python vars to html?

My goal to to have an email that says something like;

Welcome to ACME.

A few LINKS to get you started.

Your user name is USRNM and your password is PASS

Where USRNM and PASS are python vars but the rest is an html based email.

LINKS is an actual hyperlink, hence the desire to do html based emails.

Create a template HTML with placeholders and then the individual HTML
by replacing the placeholders with the values, something like:

template_html = "Your user name is %USRNM% and your password is %PASS%."
user_html = template_html.replace("%USRNM%", username).replace("%PASS%", password)

That's the general idea.

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