On Sep 4, 5:19 am, Ned Deily <n...@acm.org> wrote:
> In article
> <ce4a8c32-29dc-41dd-8606-6a7a4ea88...@g18g2000vbn.googlegroups.com>,
>  Kristoffer Follesdal <kkf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > *Forgot to tell that I am using a Mac with Snow Leopard.
> Which version of Python 3.1.2?  From the python.org installer?  
> MacPorts?  Built from source - if so, which version of Tk?
> --
>  Ned Deily,
>  n...@acm.org

I used the installer from python.org. Tk version 8.4.

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