Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> (I do find this new "I'm going to nitpick on single sentences, no matter
> what context they appears in" trend a bit boring, frankly.  if you think
> that a statement may be misinterpreted, add a clarification or a footnote.
> don't assume that you're the only one who know how things work).

Agree. It also seems to be part of a general trend of increased 
flaming/bickering in comp.lang.python over the last half-decade.

When I started frequenting the python newsgroup a couple of years ago, I 
noticed the big difference between it and other newsgroups was a 
willingness to help others to learn and an awareness that "We were all 
once beginners."

Yes, I know the (present) argument behind that is:
"Why should I have to explain the same things 1000x over to people who 
can't use Google or read the tutorials.", but back in 1999-2000, the 
solution the community had informally settled on, was for people to help 
those just below them in experience/proficiency. (Including politely 
pointing others to Google or the Tutorials.)

The "elites" helped the "powerusers".
The "powerusers" helped the "medium-term users."
The "medium-term users" helped the "year-long users" and
The "year-long users" helped the "newbies".

Rather than condescendingly blast someone for asking a "newbie" 
question, nearly everyone but the "year-long users" would just ignore 
the question, knowing that the "newbies" would get help from someone who 
may have only learnt the solution one or two months ago. As a result, 
new users were quickly brought into the group and up to speed, and they 
often had the desire to now help others who encountered the same problem.

"Gee, _fred_ really helped me out there, without making me feel like a 
complete idjit. Oh, somebody is asking the same problem. Rather than 
waste _fred_'s time repeating himself, I know enough that I can cover 
this question."

So in the interest of restoring the pleasantness and cooperation I 
experienced when I first joined, I ask that people do the following:

"If you're sick of answering newbie questions, and don't think you can 
do so politely, for the sake of the community, DON'T!"

You're not that necessary.

Joal Heagney


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