Ben Finney <> writes:

> Raymond Hettinger <> writes:
> > It doesn't seem to be common knowledge when and how a[x] gets
> > translated to a[x+len(x)]. So, here's a short info post on how
> > Python supports negative indices for sequences.
> Thanks for this. Could you post your messages using a channel that
> doesn't arbitrarily split your paragraphs into long-short-long-short
> lines? It makes paragraphs burdensome to read, and I skipped most of
> the message because of that.

For those who think the problem may be with the recipient's software, I
see the same annoying line-wrapping problems in the archived message

There's been enough sidetracking of Raymond's thread, though, so that
factual contribution will hopefully be my last in this thread on this

 \            “Choose mnemonic identifiers. If you can't remember what |
  `\                mnemonic means, you've got a problem.” —Larry Wall |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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