On Sep 9, 10:09 pm, Nobody <nob...@nowhere.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 08 Sep 2010 03:30:00 -0700, Baba wrote:
> > Who is licensed to judge what can and cannot be posted as a question?
> Exactly the same set of people who are licensed to judge what can and
> cannot be posted as an answer.
> If you don't like the responses you get here, you could try posting your
> questions on 4chan. If nothing else, that will give you a whole new
> perspective on what an "unfriendly" response really looks like.

I would to apologise to anyone who might have been upset or offended
by my reaction. I am new to forums (as i am new to programming) so i
hope i might be forgiven for not appreciating the true value of the
support one can receive on this forum. I wish to reiterate that i
underatand that experts provide help free of charge and in their spare
time so there's no point for me to like or dislike the style of an



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