flupke wrote:
> Hi,
> i'm developing an app that uses wxPython and Firebird via kinterbasdb on 
> Win XP SP2. On insert of a record i get this error:
> (kinterbasdb.InterfaceError)
> (0, "Type mismatch: Input parameter for field named [name n
> ot known at this stage of query execution] must be a string, rather than 
> a <type 'unicode'>.")
> Python, wxPython are all unicode enabled. The firebird database is 
> created with the UNICODE_FSS charset and opened as such in kinterbasdb's 
> connect function (charset=UNICODE). The GUI's charset is made with 
> wxGlade and there i specified UTF-8 for the encoding.
> I'm out of ideas as to why i get this error message.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks
> Benedict

If looked around a bit and it seems i have to do a 
kinterbasdb.init(type_conv=100). But this gives another error:

File "C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\kinterbasdb\__init__.py", line 343, 
in init
     fakeFunc.func_code = realFunc.func_code
ValueError: Date() requires a code object with 0 free vars, not 1

I installd the mx Data time module and the fixedpoint module but that 
doesn't help. I still get the same error.
Does anybody know what's wrong?


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