Ville Vainio wrote:

>>>>>>"Christian" == Christian Tismer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     >> PyPy is written in python, if it can be compiled then the programs
>     >> can
>     >> be as well.
>     Christian> Well, this is not really true. PyPy is written in
>     Christian> RPython, a sub-language of Python that is implicitly
>     Christian> defined by "simple and static enough to be compilable".
> Could it be possible to tag some modules in application code as
> RPython-compatible, making it possible to implement the speed critical
> parts in RPython?

Interesting idea.
Especially since we have automatic translation from RPythonic
application code to interpreter level.
Maybe not for now, but I'm cc-ing pypy-dev.

@rpythonic    :-)

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