On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 5:54 AM, Diez B. Roggisch <de...@web.de> wrote:
> David Cournapeau <courn...@gmail.com> writes:
>> On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 3:08 PM, Ralf Haring <har...@preypacer.com> wrote:
>>> After running into the error "Setup script exited with error: Unable
>>> to find vcvarsall.bat" when trying to use easy_install / setuptools a
>>> little digging showed that the MS compiler files in distutils only
>>> support up to Studio 2008. Does anyone know if there is a timetable
>>> for when Studio 2010 will be supported?
>>> I am using python 2.6.5, but web searching seemed to show that 2.7 or
>>> 3.X didn't support it yet either.
>> You should use VS 2008 - the lack of distutils support is only the
>> first of a long list of issues if you want to use another compiler to
>> build python extensions. Unless you really know what you are doing,
>> you are better off with VS 2008,
> Forgive my ignorance, but AFAIK mingw can be used to build extensions
> for standard python distributions.

Yes, mingw may be used - I assumed that the OP was interesting in MS compilers.

> After all, it's C we're talking here,
> not C++. So I have difficulties imagining VS2010 is that much of a
> problem. So - which problems you expect?

The ones described by Robert,


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