On 09/24/10 13:01, Ethan Furman wrote:
John Posner wrote:
Another "missing feature" candidate: sublist

    >>>  'bc' in 'abcde'
    >>>  list('bc') in list('abcde')

I'm not aware of any idioms, but how about a simple function?

def listinlist(list1, list2):
      "checks if list1 is in list2"
      if not list1:
          return True
      if not list2:
          return False
      length = len(list1)
      pos = 0
      while True:
              pos = list2.index(list1[0], pos)
          except ValueError:
              return False
          if list2[pos:pos+length] == list1:
              return True
          pos += 1

Which I suppose could be rewritten something like

 def listinlist(l1, l2):
   len1 = len(l1)
   offsets_to_consider = 1 + len(l2) - len1
   return any(
     l1 == l2[i:i+len1]
     for i in xrange(offsets_to_consider)

Foldable into a one-line version if one's sick enough to use it:

list_in_list = lambda l1, l2: any(l1 == l2[i:i+len(l1)] for i in range(1 + len(l2) - len(l1)))



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