In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Carl Friedrich Bolz  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Jacob Hallen wrote:
>> 2. A track should be continuous. Each track that is continuous gives you
>>    10 points.
>What exactly do you mean by "continuous track"?

Continuous means that from the time of the first talk in the track until
all talks in the track have been given, there will be a talk from the track
in each time slot (in exceptional cases there can be an empty time slot
inserted to make things fit, but usually that is not needed.)

The main reason for this rule is that some people only come for a few
talks in a specific track, and they don't want to have to stay 3 days
because we scheduled some on Monday morning and the rest on Wednesday

Last year we even had 2 people driving down from Norway, paying the
270 Euro on-site fee, just to listen to a single talk. They then had
a chat with the speaker and went home, quite happy with their conference.

Jacob Hallén


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