why not schedule cron */5 * * * * and check in your code that previous
execution was successful or not

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 5:29 PM, harryos <oswald.ha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> hi
> I am trying to write a program to read data from a site url.
> The program must read the data from site every 5 minutes.
> def get_data_from_site(pageurlstr):
>    h=urllib.urlopen(pageurlstr)
>    data=h.read()
>    process_data(data)
> At first, I thought of using the sched module ,but then it doesn't
> look right adding so many scheduler.enter() statements.The program is
> supposed to execute the above function every
> 5 minutes  until the application is shut down by the user.
> I created an infinite loop
> while True:
>        print time.asctime()
>        get_data_from_site('http://somesite.com/')
>        time.sleep(300)
> Is there a better way to do this?Any suggestions ,pointers most
> welcome
> thanks
> harry
> --
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Nitin Pawar

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