In article <>,
 Seebs <> wrote:

> On 2010-10-01, RG <> wrote:
> > Again, you can't have it both ways.  Either a warning is a "compiler 
> > error" according to the claim at issue (see below) or it is not.  If it 
> > is, then this is a false positive.
> No, it isn't.  It's a correctly identified type mismatch.
> You keep moving the goal posts from the actual standard of a false positive
> (the compiler warns that something is of the wrong type when it's not of
> the wrong type) to a made-up standard (the compiler warns that something is
> of the wrong type when it is indeed of the wrong type, but could be safely
> converted to the right type).
> It doesn't matter whether, in a given case, you *could* safely perform
> the conversion.  If you don't perform the conversion, and the compiler points
> this out, that's not a false positive.
> >> Those goal posts are sorta red shifted at this point.
> > At this point I would like to quote a wise man who once said:
> >> May I suggest that, if you don't want to use words and terminology
> >> precisely, perhaps computer programming is not for you?
> > Red shifted?
> Moving away fast enough that their color has visibly changed.
> > The truth of this claim hinges on the definitions of "work", "never blow 
> > up", "invalid", "call incorrectly" and "compile error."  Define these 
> > however you like, the result will be that the claim is either false or 
> > vacuous.
> Not really.  If you use the most obvious and natural meanings *for a
> statically typed language*, it is obvious that it is true.
> And indeed, significantly so.  In the real world, programs written in
> scripting languages with runtime typing are fairly likely to throw occasional
> exceptions because something is of the wrong type.  In a statically typed
> language, the of-the-wrong-type is something which can, by definition, be
> caught at compile time.
> The fundamental thing you seem to be getting stuck on is that you're assuming
> that if a conversion could be made, that it should be and it should be
> automatic and silent.  That, however, is at odds with discussion of a
> statically typed language.  There's a reason we have the option of converting
> things from one type to another.

No, this is not what I'm getting stuck on.  I understand the technical 
theory behind statically typed languages.  What I'm getting "stuck" on 
is this:

> In a statically typed language, the of-the-wrong-type is something which
> can, by definition, be caught at compile time.

Any time something is true "by definition" that is an indication that 
it's not a particularly useful fact.  The whole concept of "type" is a 
red herring.  It's like this: there are some properties of programs that 
can be determined statically, and others that can't.  Some of the 
properties that can't be determined statically matter in practice.  But 
all of the properties that can be determined statically can also be 
determined dynamically.  The *only* advantage that static analysis has 
is that *sometimes* it can determine *some* properties of a program 
faster or with less effort than a dynamic approach would.

What I take issue with is the implication made by advocates of static 
analysis that static analysis is somehow *inherently* superior to 
dynamic analysis, that static analysis can provide some sort of 
"guarantee" of reliability that actually has some sort of practical 
meaning in the real world.  It doesn't.  The net effect of static 
analysis in the real world is to make programmers complacent about 
properties of programs that can only be determined at run time, to make 
them think that compiling without errors means something, and that if a 
program compiles without errors then there is no need for run-time 
checking of any sort.  *You* may not believe these things, but the vast 
majority of programmers who use statically typed languages do believe 
these things, even if only tacitly.  The result is a world where 
software by and large is a horrific mess of stack overflows, null 
pointer exceptions, core dumps, and security holes.

I'm not saying that static analysis is not useful.  It is.  What I'm 
saying is that static analysis is nowhere near as useful as its 
advocates like to imply that it is.  And it's better to forego static 
analysis and *know* that you're flying without a net at run-time than to 
use it and think that you're safe when you're really not.


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