"Pascal J. Bourguignon" <p...@informatimago.com> wrote in message news:87sk0qkzhz....@kuiper.lan.informatimago.com...

Nothing extraordinary here.  Common Lisp is more efficient than C.

Actually, it's hard to find a language that has no compiler generating
faster code than C...

I had a quick look at Lisp to see if your claims had any basis. I tried this program:

(defun fib (n)
  (if (< n 2)
      (+ n (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)) )

But it gave the wrong results and it took ages to figure out why. Even after downloading a working version for comparison, it's was difficult to spot the extraneous 'n' (I think I was concentrating on getting the round brackets all in the right places).

I thought you were saying that Lisp (and dynamic typing in general) was better for pointing out errors? The above error in C would have been picked up more easily I think (due to less parentheses clutter, and more obvious separators between terms).

As for speed, executing fib(38) took about 60 seconds on my machine (gnu clisp with no switches set). (Compared with 3.5 seconds, for my own interpreted, dynamic language, and 0.6 seconds for C.)


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