Ravi wrote:

> The documentation of the sqlite module 
> at http://docs.python.org/library/sqlite3.html
> says:
> "...
>  allows accessing the database 
>  using a nonstandard variant of the SQL..."
> But if you see SQLite website they clearly say 
> at  http://sqlite.org/omitted.html  that only 
> very few of the SQL is not implemented. 
> I think docs should clarify on that. 
> Many users might be scared of using SQLite 
> just because of this.

  SQLite is very widely used 
  in many different contexts .... 

  You might check the related wikipedia article
  and scroll down to the  Adoption  section
  for a brief list of some well-known users ....


Stanley C. Kitching
Human Being
Phoenix, Arizona


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