MRAB wrote:
On 06/10/2010 00:17, Ethan Furman wrote:
 > [snip]
 > Any comments appreciated, especially ideas on how to better handle
 > class- and staticmethods
I think that's a bit of overkill. The problem lies in the printing
part, but you're spreading the solution into the rest of the
application! (A case of the tail wagging the dog, perhaps? :-))

IMHO you should just use a simple function when printing:

def dash_zero(x):
    return str(x) if x else '-'

'%-25s: %7s' % ('DPV Failure', dash_zero(counts['D']))

Yes, simple is better than complex, isn't it? :) And certainly a *lot* less code!

Thank you for pointing that out -- hopefully my blush of embarassment will fade by morning.


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