"Lawrence D'Oliveiro" <l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand> wrote in message
In message <i8i1h8$dc...@news.eternal-september.org>, BartC wrote:
x = ("One","Two","Three") [i-1]
While this works for i = 1,2,3, it goes funny for i=0,-1,-2, and
an error for the rest ...
x = {1 : "One", 2 : "Two", 3 : "Three"}.get(i, "None Of The Above")
Yes, I expected Python to come up with something (it always does).
However, as I mentioned, one problem here is having to evaluate all the
items in the list before selecting one:
def fna():
print "FNA CALLED"
return "One"
def fnb():
print "FNB CALLED"
return "Two"
def fnc():
print "FNC CALLED"
return "Three"
x = {1 : fna(), 2 : fnb(), 3 : fnc()}.get(i, "None Of The Above")
print x
Other than efficiency concerns, sometimes you don't want the extra
Probably there are workarounds here too, but I suspect the syntax won't be
quite as pert as the Algol68-style example:
x = (i | "Zero", "One", "Two" | "None of the above") # 0-based