What I am trying to do is to retrieve data from Lotus Notes Domino server
and display the results in some specific format. I initially thought of
doing it using Java JDBC (specifically thru JdbcDomino.jar file), but was
not successful in getting the jar file (looks like IBM has removed the
support for JDBC for LotusNotes).
So now I am trying Python to get my work done. I downloaded pywin and
installed it. I am trying ways to connect to the Domino server, but could
not get hold of the API to do so. Also pywin itself seems to be having lots
of bugs.

Any help is appreciated.


"Kartic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> The Great 'Michael Ströder' uttered these words on 5/23/2005 2:43 PM:
> > Kartic wrote:
> >
> >>The Great 'Sateesh' uttered these words on 5/23/2005 7:14 AM:
> >>
> >>
> >>>Is it possible to access Lotus notes using Python? Can anyone provide
> >>>some pointers?
> >>
> >>Yes, you can... You need the win32all distribution installed and you can
> >>access Notes using the COM interface (win32com.client).
> >
> >
> > There could be even more cross-platform programming options depending
> > what "access Lotus Notes" really means for the original poster.
> >
> > Depending on configuration a Domino server might have several Internet
> > protocol services for accessing Notes data (POP3, IMAP, LDAP, etc.).
> >
> > Ciao, Michael.
> So I guess it upto the Sateesh to tell whether he needs more information
> or not.


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