On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 10:16 AM, tinauser <tinau...@libero.it> wrote:

> hi, sorry if it is a stupid qustio,but i cannot figure out where's the
> problem.
> i've a simpleModule:
> class Starter:
>    def init(self,num):

If you want this to execute upon declaring an instance of Starter, rename
this as __init__.

>        print "hithere!"
>        print "the answer is ",num
>        import sys,os
>        print "path:",sys.path
>        try:
>            #f = open("/Users/lguerrasio/myfold/initfile.py",'r')

Try this instead:  f = open(os.path.combine('/Users/lguerrasio/myfold',

           f = open("initfile.py",'r')
>            f.close()
>            print "huurray!"
>        except IOError:
>            print "The file does not exist, exiting gracefully"
>        print "This line will always print"
> The module is located in the same folder of initfile.py
> now,from terminal I import sys and add to the path the folder /Users/
> lguerrasio/myfold; the I import the module and execute
> simpleModule.Starter().init(48)

If you had renamed the function __init__ above, all you would have to do is:

instance_of_starter = Starter(48)

Which makes more sense IMO.

Good luck!

> on mac I get an error if i do not give the full path of initfile.py
> (commented out in the code above);
> on windows i did not have this problem.
> Am I missing anything?
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Jason M. Swails
Quantum Theory Project,
University of Florida
Ph.D. Graduate Student

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