Hello everyone!

Hopefully this will interest some, I have a csv file (can be
downloaded from http://www.paulstathamphotography.co.uk/45.txt) which
has five fields separated by ~ delimiters. To read this I've been
using a csv.DictReader which works in 99% of the cases. Occasionally
however the description field has errant \r\n characters in the middle
of the record. This causes the reader to assume it's a new record and
try to read it.

Here's the code I had

import csv

delim    = '~'

lineReader   = csv.DictReader(open('45.txt', 'rbU'),

def FormatDate(date):
    return date[6:10] +"-" +date[3:5] + "-" +date[0:2]

channelPrograms = []

for row in lineReader:
    row["DATE"] = FormatDate(row["DATE"])

Which when run would give me an error as it was trying to pass a
NoneType to the FormatDate method, which obviously couldn't handle it.

I'd like to find a way to read this record correctly despite the \r
\n's in the middle of the description. The problem is I can't change
the behaviour in which it reads a record.

For the moment I've had to resort to extending the csv.DictReader and
overriding the next() method to set the number of fields versus the
number of values, if they're not equal I don't add those lines to my
list of records.

import csv

class ChanDictReader(csv.DictReader):
    def __init__(self, f, fieldnames=None, restkey=None, restval=None,
                 dialect="excel", *args, **kwds):
        csv.DictReader.__init__(self, f, fieldnames, restkey, restval,
                 dialect, *args, **kwds)
        self.lf = 0
        self.lr = 0

    def next(self):
        if self.line_num == 0:
            # Used only for its side effect.
        row = self.reader.next()
        self.line_num = self.reader.line_num

        # unlike the basic reader, we prefer not to return blanks,
        # because we will typically wind up with a dict full of None
        # values
        while row == []:
            row = self.reader.next()
        d = dict(zip(self.fieldnames, row))
        self.lf = len(self.fieldnames)
        self.lr = len(row)
        if self.lf < self.lr:
            d[self.restkey] = row[self.lf:]
        elif self.lf > self.lr:
            for key in self.fieldnames[self.lr:]:
                d[key] = self.restval
        return d

delim    = '~'

lineReader   = ChanDictReader(open('45.txt', 'rbU'),

def FormatDate(date):
    return date[6:10] +"-" +date[3:5] + "-" +date[0:2]

channelPrograms = []

for row in lineReader:
    print "Number of fields: " + str(lineReader.lf) + " Number of
values: " + str(lineReader.lr)
    if lineReader.lf == lineReader.lr:
        row["DATE"] = FormatDate(row["DATE"])

Anyone have any ideas? :o)


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