Seebs writes:

>> For long strings, another option is triple-quoting as you've seen in doc
>> strings: print """foo
>> bar""".
> I assume that this inserts a newline, though, and in this case I don't
> want that.

    $ python
    >>> """foo  
    ... bar"""
    >>> """foo\
    ... bar"""
    >>> "foo\ 
    ... bar"
    >>> "foo"  "bar"

>> SourceFile.__repr__() looks like it should be a __str__().  I haven't
>> looked at how you use it though.  But __repr__ is supposed to
>> look like a Python expression to create the instance: repr([2]) = '[2]',
>> or a generic '<foo instance>': repr(id) = '<built-in function id>'.
> Ahh!  I didn't realize that.  I was using repr as the "expand on it enough
> that you can see what it is" form -- more for debugging than for
> something parsable.

No big deal, then, except in the "idiomatic Python" sense.
__str__ for the informal(?) string representation of the object,
  def __repr__(self):
      return "<%s object with %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, <foo>)
and you have a generic 2nd case, but looks like it'll be unusually long
in this case, or just define some ordinary member name like info() or


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