Am 18.10.2010 16:35, schrieb
> So my way of coding it is the following:
> class zone(GtkDrawingArea):
>   class systemOfCoordinates:
>     self.xmin = -5
>     self.xmax = 5
>     self.ymin = -5
>     self.ymax = 5
>   class Curve:
>     self.listOfPoints = ()
>     def draw(self):
>       pass
>       # for each point in self.listOfPoints: draw this point
>       # then draw the Bézier curve passing through these points 
>   class Point:
>    def __init__(self, x, y):
>      (self.x, self.y) = (x, y)
>    def draw(self):
>      # ... code for drawing a dot in the system of coordinates...
>   def __init__(self): # for the zone object
>      self.coord = self.systemOfCoordinates()
>      self.listOfCurves = ( self.Curve() )
>   def expose(self, widget, event):
>      pass
>      # for each curve of self.listOfCurves: draw it

Don't nest classes. Just don't. This might be a valid and good approach
in some programming languages but it's not Pythonic. Your code can
easily be implemented without nested classes.



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