So, I'm messing around with pylint. Quite a lot of what it says is quite reasonable, makes sense to me, and all that.
There's a few exceptions. One: I am a big, big, fan of idiomatic short names where appropriate. For instance: catch <something>, e: I don't want a long, verbose, name -- "e" is about as much in need of a long and descriptive name as the stereotypical "i" one would use as a loop index (in a language without iterators). Should I just ignore that, or is it really more Pythonic to say something like: catch KeyError, exception_resulting_from_the_use_of_a_key_not_defined_for_the_dictionary_in_which_it_was_looked_up: Secondly: I am getting a couple of hits on things like "Too many instance attributes (8/7) or "Too many branches (14/12)". In the cases in question, it doesn't seem to me that the number of instance attributes is particularly devastatingly complicated, because the instances in question are, by design, sort of data stores; they carry a handful of precomputed results that are then reused to populate templates. So am I going to be laughed out of the room if I just let a class have eight instance attributes, or use a short name for a caught exception? -s -- Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed. Peter Seebach / <-- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures <-- get educated! I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions. --