Seebs <> writes:

> So, I'm messing around with pylint.  Quite a lot of what it says
> is quite reasonable, makes sense to me, and all that.
> There's a few exceptions.

While the exceptions will no doubt lead to fascinating discussions, I'll
offer a somewhat related piece of advice:

If you're going to ignore a message from pylint, do so by explicitly
disabling it in the config file for your project. That way, you can even
write a comment in the config file explaining why; and you can re-visit
the decision later.

Most importantly, the output isn't cluttered with messages you're
habitually ignoring.

Tools like pylint are far more useful if every message they emit is
something that you must deal with, rather than ignore every time you see
it. That way, it's feasible to get the output to no messages at all, and
have a defensible reason for every disabled message.

 \          “I moved into an all-electric house. I forgot and left the |
  `\   porch light on all day. When I got home the front door wouldn't |
_o__)                                            open.” —Steven Wright |
Ben Finney

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