Am 20.10.2010 14:07, schrieb Xah Lee:
On Oct 20, 4:52 am, Marc Mientki<>  wrote:
Am 20.10.2010 13:14, schrieb Xah Lee:

See also:

• 〈The Importance of Terminology's Quality In Computer Languages〉

where i gave some examples of the naming.

    "I'd like to introduce a blog post by Stephen Wolfram, on the design
process of Mathematica. In particular, he touches on the importance of
naming of functions."

    "The functions in Mathematica, are usually very well-named, in
contrast to most other computing languages."

    "Let me give a few example. [...]"

thanks for your post. didn' t know you also use Mathematica.

Not anymore, unfortunately. New job = no Mathematica. I tried with Maxima, but it is considered syntactically Middle Ages. Terribly confused (vectors, arrays, matrix, lists, sets - maxima does not know the motto of "list for everything").

It is much easier to improve something good than to invent from scratch.
When Lisp was born, Stephen Wolfram was still wearing diapers.

For your information: Mathematica was my first Lisp-like language. I
used it about 10 years almost every day and I love it because of the
beauty of the concept. But Mathematica has two serious problems: first,
there is only one implementation and it is commercial, and secondly,
Mathematica is very, very slowly and does not generate executable code
that can be used without Mathematica itself. Thus, comparisons to other
languages, such as Lisp are not fair.

you are right... thought these aspects don't have much to do with
function naming.

Yes. I have it written because I see that you like to call Mathematica as a counter-example, in many cases.

i tend to think that Mathematica is that way due to a unique mind,
Stephen Wolfram. And if i may say, i share much mindset with him with
respect to many lang design issues.

Yes, me too, alone but for performance reasons, Mathematica in the area where I work (image processing) is not suitable. I mean - not research or rapid prototyping, but industrial image processing.

(or rather, Mathematica was my
first lang for about 6 years too)

Mathematica = first language at all? No FORTRAN/BASIC/Pascal/C?



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