On 20/10/2010 21:20, Todd Walter wrote:
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When transmitting via UDP to a PLC, I run into a strange problem
where socket.sendto returns double the number of characters sent in the
datagram.  I thought this was an error and used Wireshark to sniff the
connection and discovered that it did, in fact, include two copies of
the string I am transmitting in the same packet.  The only
thing differentiating this string from prior commands is its length.
The functional ones are between 5&  7 bytes (with 16 byte responses
received successfully) but transmitting a 66-byte message actually
results in 132 bytes being sent!

I am running 2.6.6 on Windows XP, which I understand has a default
minimum buffersize of 576 bytes which I would think is sufficient.

Apologies if this is somewhat incoherent, I'm cross-eyed from staring
at this!


The docs for 'sendto' say:

    """The socket should not be connected to a remote socket, since the
    destination socket is specified by address."""

Could your problem be caused by you binding the socket to a source
port, so it's going out both to the bound port _and_ the one given the

Have you tried using two sockets, one outgoing and the other incoming?

BTW, your code for handling the response doesn't cope with it coming in
a bit at a time. It loops discard any previous data from the previous

Also, it's more Pythonic to say:

    while '\r' not in response:

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