On 2010-10-22, chad <cdal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Let's say there is a site that uses javascript to generate menus. More
> or less what happens is when a person clicks on url, a pop up menu
> appears asking the users for some data. How would I go about
> automating this? Just curious because the web spider doesn't actually
> pick up the urls that generate the menu. I'm assuming the actual url
> link is dynamically generated?

You have two options:

1. Look at the javascript to see what interfaces it uses.  If it is
        generating menues, then it is getting the data it uses to generate
        those menus from somewhere.  Once you have found that resource,
        you can access it yourself with a request from your Python code.
        This is generally the best approach if possible.

2. You can automate a bowser thorough a COM/XPCOM/etc. interface
        which allows you to access the DOM object in real time as it is
        modified by the Javascript and even to trigger javascript events.
        There are libraries that will do this as well.  I have used
        this on heavy AJAX style interfaces with mountains of spagetti
        Javascript that were simply too large and poorly designed to
        try to understand.

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