On 10/27/10 08:27, Martin Gregorie wrote:
(2) made me take care of 2 files instead of 1 from now on.
Not necessarily:
$ cat heredoc.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash
python<< 'EOF'
print "hello world"
def foo():
print "foo()"
Or even better:
$ cat hello
print "hello world"
def foo():
print "foo()"
$ chmod u+x hello
$ hello
hello world
which saves an unnecessary shell invocation.
Note that the OP was including this inside a pre-existing
shell-script that was working for their purposes. Lie's
suggestion allows Python to be embedded in the existing
shell-script; to use your solution, the OP would have to rewrite
their entire existing script in Python (not necessarily a bad
thing in my book, for maintainability purposes, but does not
appear to be at the top of their list of things to do)