On 2010-10-28, pyt...@bdurham.com <pyt...@bdurham.com> wrote:

> Tkinter is built-in and available on Windows, Mac, and Linux. If you're
> using Python 2.7 or 3.1 you can take advantage of Tkinter's ttk (Tile)
> support for platform native user interfaces.

You get a native UI using the correct theme even on Linux under Qt or GTk?

>From what I've read of ttk, it still isn't using native UI elements.
It just has a bunch of its own "themes" that look mostly/sort-of like
native UI elements.  Right?

Under Linux does ttk automagically pick the theme that looks most like
the current Qt or Gtk theme?

On systems where both are installed, how does ttk decide whether to
look like Qt or Gtk?

In addition to looking like native UI elements, does ttk also change
UI behaviors to match native UI elements?  For example will it
automatically use emacs key-bindings for text-entry editing if that's
enabled in my Gtk configuration?

I don't particularly care what the UI elements _look_ like, as long as
they _act_ like native elements.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I think I am an
                                  at               overnight sensation right
                              gmail.com            now!!

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