On 2010-10-30, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand> wrote:
> In message <iaf0l9$3h...@speranza.aioe.org>, Tim Harig wrote:
>> Python could easily process the escape codes for any given terminal; but,
>> in general, you would want something that works for more then a single
>> terminal type.
> Does anyone still bother with anything other than VT1xx-type terminals?

1. Actually, most modern terminals and emulators have color which means
        that they must by in the VT2xx range or above.

2. Yes there are still hardware terminals being used and not all of them
        are VTxxxs.

3. Even assuming that the OP is only conserned about VTxxx terminals, it is
        still a better coding practice to use a layer of abstraction so as
        to keep the "magic numbers" out of his code.

4. Just because VTxxx style terminals and emulators currently dominate
        doesn't mean that they will do so forever.  It is quite possible
        that in an age where most terminals are emulated, that somebody
        will create a new style of terminal that fits in better to the
        virtual/graphical world in which they inhabit.

5. Although it is offtopic for this question, using the curses abstraction
        rather then hardcoded values, allows a visual text based program to
        work in places that do not act like a traditional terminal.
        Microsoft Windows console fits this description because formating
        commands are not sent in-band with the text data.  By using
        something like PDCurses, it is possible to run curses programs on
        non-terminal environments such as these.

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